FASTG8 recently took to the high country for its first annual company off-site. Our hometown of Carbondale is surrounded by the Elk Mountains and a dozen backcountry huts. Many of these huts were originally constructed to house the U.S. Army’s 10th Mountain Division while they were training for winter missions during World War II. The majority of the huts sit above 11,000 feet and require significant backcountry travel. Tyler, Mike and James reserved the Green-Wilson Hut, situated just below timberline at 11,280 feet in Pearl Basin approximately halfway between Aspen and Crested Butte.

The Green-Wilson Hut

The six-mile approach went quickly with focused conversation about personal, professional and company goals along with a full S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis for FASTG8 as we approach the end of our first year.  We lucked out on the weather and made quick work of the skin into the hut.

The final push of the 6 mile approach from Ashcroft to the Green-Wilson Hut

Upon arrival at the hut, we quickly unpacked and settled into our new home and office for the next 24 hours. In what he called “the pinnacle” of his professional career, Tyler put dry-erase marker to window and laid out the full architecture of FASTG8’s proprietary ad serving technology. With 14,278 foot Castle Peak in the background and the south-facing porch of the Green-Wilson hut transformed into a think-tank, the energy was tangible as James and Mike were schooled on the tech stack and its capabilities to deliver tangible results for FASTG8’s partners.

Class Is In Session

After a three-hour technology deep-dive, the sun was making its way behind Castle Peak so we quickly transitioned back into ski boots and headed up into Pearl Basin for a sunset ski tour.

Chasing Daylight in Pearl Basin

If you’ve ever spent the night in a hut, or a cabin, or camping in any know how good dinner tastes in the wilderness. Our dinner at Green-Wilson would have been delicious at a three-star Michelin restaurant anywhere in the world. Seared elk (courtesy of Tyler’s hunting prowess) with Raclette potatoes, garlic and caramelized onions left us all feeling satiated for a night of conversation around the wood stove.


We awoke to the moon setting behind Castle Peak and another beautiful day. We started off the morning with a quick ski tour into Pearl Basin and found more cold snow and good turns.

The Moon Sets Behind the Eastern Ridge of 14,278 ft. Castle Peak

Time at the hut was closed out with another strategy session. This time focused on how to deliver better results for our current partners and grow our presence within the outdoor industry that we love so much. It became clear that this trip would become an important tradition for us, and one that we hope to share with our partners in the future. We left inspired and rejuvenated after a couple of days away from our screens. Full speed ahead!

FASTG8 All Smiles Before Dropping Into Some Creamy Winter Snow